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Pages: 54321

New Script, Simple PHP Forum Script

News written the 10/09/2011 at 23:44:11 by ybouane
Hi everyone,
Today, a new script has been added to webestools, the Simple PHP Forum Script.
This script is a php forum very easy to edit and simple to use. It supports BBcode so users can format their messages properly. An internal mailing system is implemented in the forum so users can communicate between each other.
This forum script is free.

Image Simple PHP Forum Script - php forum easy simple script download

The PHP Forum uses as an internal mailing system the Personal Message System.

Thank you and I hope this script will be useful :)

New generator, Translation Buttons Generator

News written the 21/08/2011 at 02:03:55 by ybouane
Today, a new generator has been added to Webestools, the Translation Buttons Generator.

This generator lets you add translations buttons on your website allowing your users to change the language of your website in one click.

Many languages are supported and you can choose a style for your buttons. This tool uses the translator of Google Translate.

Here is an example of styles:

Translation Buttons Generator
All Webestools Tools

Thank you and I hope this generator will be useful :)

New style of Flash Video Player

News written the 14/07/2011 at 17:55:04 by ybouane
Today, a new style of flash video player has been added. This new style has the particularity to have only one button. It is possible to put an image for the preview, to configure the size and the autoplay of the video.
It is possible to play the video by clicking on it or by using the space bar. You can put the player in full screen only by double clicking on the video.

Free Flv Player in flash (video player)

Thank you and I hope this new style will be useful.

5 Photoshop tutorials were added

News written the 14/07/2011 at 16:29:29 by ybouane

5 New Photoshop Tutorials

News written the 11/07/2011 at 20:25:08 by ybouane

Improvement of the Bookmark buttons generator

News written the 08/04/2011 at 20:34:38 by ybouane
Hi everyone,
Today, the Bookmark buttons generator have been improved. It is now possible to choose custom URL and Title. Before, the tool automatically detected the URL and the title of the page where he is, but now, it is also possible to choose a specific page to share when the user clicks on the buttons.

For example, you are currently (probably) on, but if you click the following buttons, you will share the page of the generator:

Bookmark Buttons Generator

Thank you and I hope this modification will be useful :smile:
Pages: 54321