This script will lets you create a Personal Message System easily.
The Personal Message System that we are going to build uses the Members Area:
Members Area in php mysql
Our Personal Message System have 3 pages.
- List of all messages
- Reading a message
- Sending a message
This is a demonstration of the Personal Message System:
You can also download the Personal Message System as a .zip or .rar archive:
Download the .ZIP archive
Download the .RAR archive
Let start by the data base, we are going to create two tables "users" and "pm"
-- Table structure for table `users`
CREATE TABLE `users` (
`id` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
`username` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`password` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`email` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`avatar` text NOT NULL,
`signup_date` int(10) NOT NULL
-- Table structure for table `pm`
`id` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
`id2` int(11) NOT NULL,
`title` varchar(256) NOT NULL,
`user1` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
`user2` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
`message` text NOT NULL,
`timestamp` int(10) NOT NULL,
`user1read` varchar(3) NOT NULL,
`user2read` varchar(3) NOT NULL
Download the table structure of "users"
Download the table structure of "pm"
This is how table "users" looks:
This is how table "pm" looks:
List of all messages
In this page, the user will have the list of his messages. His messages will be classified in two categories, one pour read messages and one for unread messages.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<link href="<?php echo $design; ?>/style.css" rel="stylesheet" title="Style" />
<title>Personal Messages</title>
<div class="header">
<a href="<?php echo $url_home; ?>"><img src="<?php echo $design; ?>/images/logo.png" alt="Members Area" /></a>
<div class="content">
//We check if the user is logged
//We list his messages in a table
//Two queries are executes, one for the unread messages and another for read messages
$req1 = mysql_query('select m1.id, m1.title, m1.timestamp, count(m2.id) as reps, users.id as userid, users.username from pm as m1, pm as m2,users where ((m1.user1="'.$_SESSION['userid'].'" and m1.user1read="no" and users.id=m1.user2) or (m1.user2="'.$_SESSION['userid'].'" and m1.user2read="no" and users.id=m1.user1)) and m1.id2="1" and m2.id=m1.id group by m1.id order by m1.id desc');
$req2 = mysql_query('select m1.id, m1.title, m1.timestamp, count(m2.id) as reps, users.id as userid, users.username from pm as m1, pm as m2,users where ((m1.user1="'.$_SESSION['userid'].'" and m1.user1read="yes" and users.id=m1.user2) or (m1.user2="'.$_SESSION['userid'].'" and m1.user2read="yes" and users.id=m1.user1)) and m1.id2="1" and m2.id=m1.id group by m1.id order by m1.id desc');
This is the list of your messages:<br />
<a href="new_pm.php" class="link_new_pm">New PM</a><br />
<h3>Unread Messages(<?php echo intval(mysql_num_rows($req1)); ?>):</h3>
<th class="title_cell">Title</th>
<th>Nb. Replies</th>
<th>Date of creation</th>
//We display the list of unread messages
while($dn1 = mysql_fetch_array($req1))
<td class="left"><a href="read_pm.php?id=<?php echo $dn1['id']; ?>"><?php echo htmlentities($dn1['title'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); ?></a></td>
<td><?php echo $dn1['reps']-1; ?></td>
<td><a href="profile.php?id=<?php echo $dn1['userid']; ?>"><?php echo htmlentities($dn1['username'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); ?></a></td>
<td><?php echo date('Y/m/d H:i:s' ,$dn1['timestamp']); ?></td>
//If there is no unread message we notice it
<td colspan="4" class="center">You have no unread message.</td>
<br />
<h3>Read Messages(<?php echo intval(mysql_num_rows($req2)); ?>):</h3>
<th class="title_cell">Title</th>
<th>Nb. Replies</th>
<th>Date or creation</th>
//We display the list of read messages
while($dn2 = mysql_fetch_array($req2))
<td class="left"><a href="read_pm.php?id=<?php echo $dn2['id']; ?>"><?php echo htmlentities($dn2['title'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); ?></a></td>
<td><?php echo $dn2['reps']-1; ?></td>
<td><a href="profile.php?id=<?php echo $dn2['userid']; ?>"><?php echo htmlentities($dn2['username'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); ?></a></td>
<td><?php echo date('Y/m/d H:i:s' ,$dn2['timestamp']); ?></td>
//If there is no read message we notice it
<td colspan="4" class="center">You have no read message.</td>
echo 'You must be logged to access this page.';
<div class="foot"><a href="<?php echo $url_home; ?>">Go Home</a> - <a href="http://www.webestools.com/">Webestools</a></div>
Reading a message
This page let the user read a message. The user can also reply at the bottom of the page.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<link href="<?php echo $design; ?>/style.css" rel="stylesheet" title="Style" />
<title>Read a PM</title>
<div class="header">
<a href="<?php echo $url_home; ?>"><img src="<?php echo $design; ?>/images/logo.png" alt="Members Area" /></a>
//We check if the user is logged
//We check if the ID of the discussion is defined
$id = intval($_GET['id']);
//We get the title and the narators of the discussion
$req1 = mysql_query('select title, user1, user2 from pm where id="'.$id.'" and id2="1"');
$dn1 = mysql_fetch_array($req1);
//We check if the discussion exists
//We check if the user have the right to read this discussion
if($dn1['user1']==$_SESSION['userid'] or $dn1['user2']==$_SESSION['userid'])
//The discussion will be placed in read messages
mysql_query('update pm set user1read="yes" where id="'.$id.'" and id2="1"');
$user_partic = 2;
mysql_query('update pm set user2read="yes" where id="'.$id.'" and id2="1"');
$user_partic = 1;
//We get the list of the messages
$req2 = mysql_query('select pm.timestamp, pm.message, users.id as userid, users.username, users.avatar from pm, users where pm.id="'.$id.'" and users.id=pm.user1 order by pm.id2');
//We check if the form has been sent
if(isset($_POST['message']) and $_POST['message']!='')
$message = $_POST['message'];
//We remove slashes depending on the configuration
$message = stripslashes($message);
//We protect the variables
$message = mysql_real_escape_string(nl2br(htmlentities($message, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')));
//We send the message and we change the status of the discussion to unread for the recipient
if(mysql_query('insert into pm (id, id2, title, user1, user2, message, timestamp, user1read, user2read)values("'.$id.'", "'.(intval(mysql_num_rows($req2))+1).'", "", "'.$_SESSION['userid'].'", "", "'.$message.'", "'.time().'", "", "")') and mysql_query('update pm set user'.$user_partic.'read="yes" where id="'.$id.'" and id2="1"'))
<div class="message">Your message has successfully been sent.<br />
<a href="read_pm.php?id=<?php echo $id; ?>">Go to the discussion</a></div>
<div class="message">An error occurred while sending the message.<br />
<a href="read_pm.php?id=<?php echo $id; ?>">Go to the discussion</a></div>
//We display the messages
<div class="content">
<h1><?php echo $dn1['title']; ?></h1>
<table class="messages_table">
<th class="author">User</th>
while($dn2 = mysql_fetch_array($req2))
<td class="author center"><?php
echo '<img src="'.htmlentities($dn2['avatar']).'" alt="Image Perso" style="max-width:100px;max-height:100px;" />';
?><br /><a href="profile.php?id=<?php echo $dn2['userid']; ?>"><?php echo $dn2['username']; ?></a></td>
<td class="left"><div class="date">Sent: <?php echo date('m/d/Y H:i:s' ,$dn2['timestamp']); ?></div>
<?php echo $dn2['message']; ?></td>
//We display the reply form
</table><br />
<div class="center">
<form action="read_pm.php?id=<?php echo $id; ?>" method="post">
<label for="message" class="center">Message</label><br />
<textarea cols="40" rows="5" name="message" id="message"></textarea><br />
<input type="submit" value="Send" />
echo '<div class="message">You dont have the rights to access this page.</div>';
echo '<div class="message">This discussion does not exists.</div>';
echo '<div class="message">The discussion ID is not defined.</div>';
echo '<div class="message">You must be logged to access this page.</div>';
<div class="foot"><a href="list_pm.php">Go to my Personal messages</a> - <a href="http://www.webestools.com/">Webestools</a></div>
Sending a message
This page let the user send a new message(not a reply). The user will enter the username of the recipient.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<link href="<?php echo $design; ?>/style.css" rel="stylesheet" title="Style" />
<title>New PM</title>
<div class="header">
<a href="<?php echo $url_home; ?>"><img src="<?php echo $design; ?>/images/logo.png" alt="Members Area" /></a>
//We check if the user is logged
$form = true;
$otitle = '';
$orecip = '';
$omessage = '';
//We check if the form has been sent
if(isset($_POST['title'], $_POST['recip'], $_POST['message']))
$otitle = $_POST['title'];
$orecip = $_POST['recip'];
$omessage = $_POST['message'];
//We remove slashes depending on the configuration
$otitle = stripslashes($otitle);
$orecip = stripslashes($orecip);
$omessage = stripslashes($omessage);
//We check if all the fields are filled
if($_POST['title']!='' and $_POST['recip']!='' and $_POST['message']!='')
//We protect the variables
$title = mysql_real_escape_string($otitle);
$recip = mysql_real_escape_string($orecip);
$message = mysql_real_escape_string(nl2br(htmlentities($omessage, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')));
//We check if the recipient exists
$dn1 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('select count(id) as recip, id as recipid, (select count(*) from pm) as npm from users where username="'.$recip.'"'));
//We check if the recipient is not the actual user
$id = $dn1['npm']+1;
//We send the message
if(mysql_query('insert into pm (id, id2, title, user1, user2, message, timestamp, user1read, user2read)values("'.$id.'", "1", "'.$title.'", "'.$_SESSION['userid'].'", "'.$dn1['recipid'].'", "'.$message.'", "'.time().'", "yes", "no")'))
<div class="message">The message has successfully been sent.<br />
<a href="list_pm.php">List of my Personal messages</a></div>
$form = false;
//Otherwise, we say that an error occured
$error = 'An error occurred while sending the message';
//Otherwise, we say the user cannot send a message to himself
$error = 'You cannot send a message to yourself.';
//Otherwise, we say the recipient does not exists
$error = 'The recipient does not exists.';
//Otherwise, we say a field is empty
$error = 'A field is empty. Please fill of the fields.';
//We get the username for the recipient if available
$orecip = $_GET['recip'];
//We display a message if necessary
echo '<div class="message">'.$error.'</div>';
//We display the form
<div class="content">
<h1>New Personal Message</h1>
<form action="new_pm.php" method="post">
Please fill the following form to send a Personal message.<br />
<label for="title">Title</label><input type="text" value="<?php echo htmlentities($otitle, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); ?>" id="title" name="title" /><br />
<label for="recip">Recipient<span class="small">(Username)</span></label><input type="text" value="<?php echo htmlentities($orecip, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); ?>" id="recip" name="recip" /><br />
<label for="message">Message</label><textarea cols="40" rows="5" id="message" name="message"><?php echo htmlentities($omessage, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); ?></textarea><br />
<input type="submit" value="Send" />
echo '<div class="message">You must be logged to access this page.</div>';
<div class="foot"><a href="list_pm.php">Go to my Personal messages</a> - <a href="http://www.webestools.com/">Webestools</a></div>
You also have to edit the MYSQL IDs in the config.php file.
//We start sessions
------------------Required Configuration---------------
Please edit the following variables so the members area
can work correctly.
//We log to the DataBase
mysql_connect('hote', 'username', 'password');
//Webmaster Email
$mail_webmaster = 'example@example.com';
//Top site root URL
$url_root = 'http://www.example.com';
-----------------Optional Configuration----------------
//Home page file name
$url_home = 'index.php';
//Design Name
$design = 'default';
In the rar and zip files there is also the members area script with small changes.
This is a demonstration of the Personal Message System:
You can also download the Personal Message System as a .zip or .rar archive:
Download the .ZIP archive
Download the .RAR archive
Thank you and I hope this php top site will be useful.
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